After all the connections are completed, the WIFIKIT will have a single LED flashing red, which shows it is in connection mode. If the WIFIKIT has previously been connected or fails to connect, you will need to retry the connection. Press the black button on the WIFIKIT (to the right of the LEDs) to initiate connection mode.

Use your smartphone or computer to find the Wi-Fi connection for your WIFIKIT serial number (e.g., HunterWiFi-6916). This NETWORK NUMBER is being broadcasted by your Hunter WIFIKIT. Select the Wi-Fi connection and wait until your smartphone or computer shows the connection is complete.

Once connected to the WIFIKIT hosted network, your smartphone or computer will automatically display the SETUP splash screen. On some smartphones or browsers, the setup screen may not appear automatically. In such cases, you can address the WIFIKIT directly by typing in the browser address bar. Select CONTINUE.

Select your NETWORK NAME.

Enter the Network Password. Click CONNECT.

The leftmost WIFIKIT LIGHT will blink while establishing a connection. Wait at least one minute for the "Connection Attempt Complete" page to display. Compare your display to the sample views on the screen.

- If the first two LEDs are solid green, the attempt was successful. The WIFIKIT is now connected to the router and to the Centralus server. Proceed to Software Setup.
- Cycle power to the WIFIKIT and retry the connection.
- Double-check that the router is operating properly. Reset the router if necessary.
- If the first light remains solid red after an extended period (up to two minutes), the connection attempt was unsuccessful.
- If the first light turns green, but the second light is red, the WIFIKIT was able to connect to the router, but not to the Centralus server.
- Check the internet connection from the router and retry.
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